Saturday, August 1, 2009

Assorted Flavors

Things that annoy me today:  assorted flavors.

Everyone is different, three cheers for diversity, and so I understand the concept of assorted flavors.  However, this is what annoys me:

I have a new thing for tootsie pops.  I bought a bag of them and when all is said and done I'm like WTF.  Reason being:  I only really like the red ones (ugh I'm so cliche) and I've forced myself to TOLERATE the blue ones but if we're being honest here (and we always are) I only have lukewarm feelings for them.  The chocolate is soo subpar and don't even get me STARTED with the orange.  Gross.  

(note:  above picture is deceiving because the red to other flave ratio is unrealistic.  That would never happen.  Also note that they don't even show more than 2 orange ones because that would bad marketing.)

I'm not a particularly demanding person but this is seriously ridiculous.

For Example, look at Starbursts.  The chances are you're gonna hate at least 50% of them because you're either a red/pink or an orange/yellow.  If they were smart, they'd make packs that contained each of those combos separately Revolutionary, I know.  Just send the check to the Sloanehenge P.O. Box.

A good example: M&M's.  They've have got the right idea, assorted COLORS, un-assorted flave.  Pleasing to the eyes, pleasing to the tongue plus they have good commercials.

And if it's not bad enough that candy  makes single people feel lonely on Valentine's Day, assorted flavors make single people lonely everyday.  Why, you wonder?  Because you get to thinking, "I feel bad throwing out the ones I don't like because there are starving children in Africa... If only I found the perfect guy who likes the orange ones..."  Ya, sure, in my dreams.  Always the bridesmaid, never the bride...

1 comment:

  1. You're really complaining about Tootsie Rolls? You do remember that our Great Aunt and Uncle (who also happen to live next door to us) have all the free Tootsie Roll products in the world. Go home, walk next door, and quitely pocket all the red ones. I'm sure they have a giant bowl of them.

