Monday, January 19, 2009

Well, at least my hair looks good...

No, no it doesn't.  I just lied to you.  The Diana Ross coiffure is more severe than two days ago when we were having a humidity theme party in my basement.  Now I understand why the jews migrated to Northeast USA.  

Other than that, Copenhagen-is-awesome.  Literally love every minute of it. (Which is weird because usually I hate everywhere I go for at least the first 2 weeks.)

Since I'm only good at writing negatively about things (pointed out by Hoffman) I am going to wait to write the good stuff for when I have pictures to supplement and skip to the one annoying thing that happened.  It obviously involved the Verizon Store.  I CAN'T GET AWAY!!

We had a minor blackberry scare yesterday.  Blackberry Down as I like to say (a tribute to Black Hawk Down, duh)... the guy just "forgot" to activate my international plan even though I WENT to the store to make sure they did it right because the woman on the phone seemed even more useless (if that's possible) than anyone who works there.  Turns out I was wrong... All Verizon Wireless employees are created equal.  Equally useless.  

So with my full day of disconnected-ness, I started thinking.  Maybe it would be better without tha berry.  As my mom said in an email:

"You can survive without a Blackberry for 4 months!  Turn it off & lock it up.  Then, please email so that I can call and shriek hysterically at the billing people, because their reps are the stupidest people on Earth"
-Linda Greenberg 1/20/09

The wise words of Mama G got me thinking that maybe being blackberry-less while in Denmark could be a good thing... Maybe this is an experience I should do without relying on the technology I think I can't live without.  I also just really wanted to skype with my my mom while she yelled at the Verizon billing people because it would be funny.  I decided: no blackberry for this Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Sloan.

Then I came to my senses... Who am I kidding?  But I am gonna try to use it less... Sorry Kyle.  Obviously getting the situation fixed was an ordeal.  I had to skype with Jessica (when in Rome THANK YOU) while she called global support.  I didn't realize the guy on the phone could hear every word I said, and when I said "ughhhh fuck verizon i hate them," and other slurs along those lines.  Jessica asked him, " can you hear everything she's saying?... Sloane, he can hear every word you're saying." I thought he'd be mad.  In fact the opposite happened.  He agreed.  Then he simply switched my service on, like they should have 20 years ago and all is well.  He's the first man I ever told I loved him and meant it.


Post Script:  If anyone was worried, I found my contacts.

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